Nollywood In Mystery Over Identity Of Cheating Actress Caught In Dubai - Green White Green -


Nollywood In Mystery Over Identity Of Cheating Actress Caught In Dubai



Nollywood and the Nigerian entertainment industry is still wondering over the identity of the actress who allegedly went frolicking with her best friend’s husband in Dubai.

Screen diva, Tonto Dikeh opened up on the cheating two in her Instragam page with a threat to expose them recently.

Since then, the industry has still been quaking over the identity of the cheating two.

Ms. Dikeh had said “How can you leave your wife in Nigeria and bring her actress best friend on a trip to Dubai? Women I wish you all see the men we marry. I am livid.

“If anyone calls my phone, I will expose you! To the actress, you need to be burned alive. After all the famzing with his wife, you betray her in such a way. No wonder they say we are prostitutes,” she said.

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