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Again Delta APC Says Kachikwu Not Guilty Of Anti-Party



Kachikwu bribe Diezani

The Delta State chapter of the All Progressives Congress, APC has again come to the defence of the Minister of State for Petroleum, Dr Ibe Kachikwu over allegations of anti-party activities.

Dr. Kachikwu has lately been the subject of allegations of being supportive of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

The accusation which has not been proved was against the background of the fact that he was not known as a member of the APC in the state prior to his appointment as minister in 2015.

However, since his appointment Dr. Kachikwu has repeatedly tried to foster unity in the deeply divided state chapter where ego between Otega Emerhor on one hand and the combined forces of Ovie Omo-Agege/Great Ogboru has tended to continually create suspicions.

The minister was allegedly verbally queried when the Ogboru/Omo Agege and the Emerhor groups openly fought and disrupted the president’s speech during the national convention of the party last year.

Ahead of the decisive governorship election in Delta State, those rumours of political infidelity against Kachikwu have again crept up forcing the party through multiple channels to disclaim them.

The director-general of the Presidential Campaign in the state, Hon. Temi Harriman and her deputy, Dr. Iyke Odikpo had a week ago issued a statement acquitting Kachikwu of anti-party activity.

The state chairman of the party, Prophet Jones Erue in a follow up on Sunday also disclaimed the insinuations.

Erue in a statement issued by the Director Communications, Delta APC, Nick Ovuakporie said:

“Since his appointment as the GMD of NNPC and his subsequent appointment as Minister of State for Petroleum, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu, though not our typical politician, has displayed enough political sagacity and proclivity that belies his usually genial persona and has so far exhibited uncommon commitment with the singular purpose of positioning the party as a formidable force, capable of dislodging the PDP in the forthcoming Gubernatorial and State Assembly elections. 

Atiku: The minister is “accused” of being a friend of the PDP presidential candidate

“There is no denying the fact that Dr. Ibe Kachikwu has been a stabilising factor and a rallying point in the party since his appointment and entrance into the Party. His financial contributions are just too numerous to mention. Though it is not the duty of the party to defend his friendship with individuals, the party will not stand by idly and allow charlatans such as the writer of the ignoble article and his desperate sponsors to drag the name of the Minister in the mud, all for selfish and cheap political aggrandizement. 

“There is no gain saying the fact that Chief Great Ovedje Ogboru, the governorship candidate of our great Party is a political collosus like Dr. Ibe Kachikwu who has carved an enviable niche for himself in the political coloration of the APC both at the State and National level as a result of his tremendous contributions that is there for all to see. 

“The Party hereby condemns the said piece of journalistic trash in its entirety as a failed attempt to hoodwink the general public into believing that the imaginary supposedly lukewarm attitude being falsely tagged against the Minister towards electioneering activities of the party as a result of his friendship with the PDP presidential candidate Alhaji Abubakar Atiku”. 

“The Minister worked tirelessly for the victory of Mr. President and other candidates of the Party, particularly in Delta State. He was not only conspicuously present in every major event/rallies of the Party such as the South South presidential campaign rally in Uyo, the presidential campaign rally in Warri, Delta State, the presidential campaign rally in Gombe State, but has also attended the Delta State gubernatorial campaign rallies in different parts of the State. 

“Dr. Ibe Kachikwu also provided the take off funds for the operational offices for the presidential campaign council and the Buhari Support Organisation, the opening of the new State Secretariat of the Party and the National headquarters. All this from his own personal resources”. 

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