Annie Idibia Stuns Divorce Watchers With High Praise Of Tuface - Green White Green -


Annie Idibia Stuns Divorce Watchers With High Praise Of Tuface

You Are My Support System – Annie



Annie Idibia, wife of international music star, Tuface Idibia on Monday squashed speculations on a rift in their marriage when she went on Instagram to describe her husband as her support system and staying up nights for her.

The appreciation on Instagram came against the background of widespread speculations that the marriage of the two had run into a crisis.

Annie had posted “Due to unfortunate circumstances, I am awake,” later posting “Be picky with who you invest your time in, wasted time is worse than wasted money.”

The belief at that time was that her husband, Tuface had again gotten another woman pregnant. That belief was strengthened when not long after, Tuface tweeted, “I am sorry to say that I have f**ked up so much. I have f**ked up as a role model, as a father and as a husband. Annie, I’m sorry, I know you tried your best.”

Annie Idibia praises Tuface for staying nights for her

Not long after, Tuface deleted the posts indicating that he was no longer sorry over whatever were his actions.

Since then s en it has been silence from the couple that has over time come to win the respect among their colleagues and the public.

That was until Monday when Annie opened up to idolize her husband putting those who had believed t

In her posting on Instagram, Annie said:

“The last few days were so horrible. Thank you so much for being my friend when I needed one the most!  Thank you for staying up all those nights with me, your type is rare. Thanks for being my sunlight. The only one who honestly truly understands me, my support system”, she wrote.

So, what’s really up, Annie and Tuface?

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