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Proprietor, Students Of Yahoo-Yahoo Training School Arrested



The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC has arrested the proprietor of a Yahoo Yahoo training school in Lagos, Frank Chinedu.

Chinedu, 22, was arrested alongside eight students of the unnamed training centre located at 14, Animashaun Street, Progressive Estate, Ojodu Berger, Lagos, while receiving lectures in internet fraud activities.

The students are: Ahmed Musa, 24; Desmond Eze, 29; Preye Kingsley, 23; Benjamin Irabor, 21; Benjamin Opah, 19; Akapo Prosper, 22; Innocent Paul, 20 and Olamide Edun, 20.

The suspected internet fraudsters were arrested under cover on May 22, 2019, following intelligence reports received by the Commission about their involvement in alleged criminal activities.

Items recovered from the suspects at the point of arrest include nine laptops, 16 mobile phones, an Airtel modem, Orange Wifi and one Toyota Camry with registration number EPE406FN.

The suspects according to a statement by the EFCC’s acting head of media, Tony Orilade will soon be charged to court.

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