Study Finds Nigeria Is 16th Most Violent Country - Green White Green -


Study Finds Nigeria Is 16th Most Violent Country



Nigeria is the world’s 16th most violent nation and among the five most violent countries in sub-Saharan Africa according to the Global Peace Index (GPI) released on Sunday.

The study ranked Nigeria 148th out of the 163 countries surveyed for the level of peace obtainable in the countries.

The most peaceful country in the world is Iceland and was followed by New Zealand, Portugal, Austria, and Denmark.

The most violent country in the world is Afghanistan which took the position occupied by Syria in 2018.

Nigeria remained 148 in the GPI for the second time in a row after moving a point from its position of 149 in the survey of 2017.

The GPI which was first launched in 2007 measures the relative position of nations’ and regions’ peacefulness using three main features; safety and security, ongoing conflict, and militarisation.

It is produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) in consultation with an international panel of peace experts from peace institutes and think tanks with data collected and collated by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

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