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INEC Server: Buhari’s Supporters Taunt Atiku, PDP On Tribunal Ruling



Atiku Moody's downgrade of Nigeria

The Buhari Media Organisation, BMO has taunted the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP and its 2019 presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar over what it Saturday claimed as their doublespeak on the Presidential Election Tribunal ruling on the existence or otherwise of a server at the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC.

Observing that the PDP said the tribunal’s decision not to give heed to the party’s request to inspect the server did not amount to a defeat to the party, the BMO as such questioned the rationale for the party to appeal the judgment at the Supreme Court.

In a statement signed by its Chairman Niyi Akinsiju and Secretary Cassidy Madueke, BMO said only a party like PDP could approbate and reprobate at the same time.

In an apparent reaction  to a PDP statement that the ruling by the Presidential Election Tribunal refusing it access to inspect INEC Server was actually in its favour, after the same PDP had appealed the judgement, BMO said PDP appears “to be losing it.

“Or shall we say the party is so confused  that it has become incoherent and ready to heat up the polity? On one hand, you rushed to the Supreme Court to appeal a ruling and on the other hand you claim that the judgement was not against you. So why go on appeal?”

BMO stated that the courts have affirmed truth and justice by making clear the issue of the existence of the INEC server, and more or less stating that you cannot  inspect what does not exist.

“Atiku and the PDP have for weeks been pushing through the media the supposed existence of an INEC server where they claim results were transmitted. INEC 

has come out to state categorically that it never transmitted results to any servers, as results were collated manually.

The group noted that the PDP and Atiku had come up with the issue of the server from nowhere to distract Nigerians.

“From the figment of their imaginations, Atiku and the PDP came up with the fictional story of a server. One which they know is non-existent. They then proceeded to fester this falsehood by pushing it on the media, conducting a media trial, knowing that they had no case, but with the intention of distracting Nigerians and attempting to de-legitimize the 2019 General Elections.

“Turning serious matters that are before the court into propaganda documentaries would not change facts and reality.” 

Also responding to Atiku’s comment made in a statement issued by his spokesman, where he claimed that inspection of the INEC server had not been denied by the court, the group stated that: “the mistake Atiku and his advisers keep making is that they confuse fact for fiction, and confuse law for emotions. If the Court of Appeal had not denied them access to this non-existent server, what then were they appealing to the Supreme Court for, if their wish had been granted.

“The rejection of Atiku’s team access to the so-called servers is the end of their matter. And the court’s ruling at this preliminary stage has dealt a deafening blow to the entire foundation of the Atiku case at the Tribunal.

BMO went further to note that the insistence of Atiku and the PDP on the existence of a server is simply an attempt to set about creating chaos in Nigeria, and discredit the incontestable victory of President Buhari at the 2019 elections.

“Out of 91 parties who participated in this election, only one party is claiming that election results were transmitted electronically. Does this not show that the PDP have some sinister motive behind this insistence on the existence of a fictitious server?”

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