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Nigerian Saved From Facebook Suicide Bid Now Recovering



By Rufus Ike

A 37-year-old man who last Sunday attempted suicide on facebook is recovering in his father’s home in Ibadan, Oyo State after being saved by well wishers on Facebook who rushed to rescue him before he passed out.

David Oladayo Sanyaolu had allegedly become depressed for several reasons including alleged infidelity on the part of his wife among other social pressures.

His younger brother, Gideon Sanyaolu revealed he was discharged on Monday from the Military Hospital, Ibadan where he was rushed to by the hotel management where he had attempted the suicide attempt. The brother said he was in the custody of his dad and another sibling. 

David made known his suicide plan through a series of Facebook posts including a video where he vented his frustrations.

In his first post, he said, “At this point, I think it’s better to end it.”

The second post read “I have been a bad sheep from childhood. I have disappointed those that believed in me. Never been a good son to my parent, family. I have never been a good husband to my wife, never been a good father to my daughter. Never been good to myself. I tried all I could to change but it gets worse every day. What a wasted life.”

In the third post which was more revealing he wrote, “To everyone that thinks I’m a pest and a cheat. To the woman that took the vow when she still felt she could leave me and cheat on me, you are free now.

House 11: The hotel helped to rush him to the hospital

“To my father, who knows I’m under an attack and decided to leave me for his wife, you are free now. To Ayomide, I love you but I regret the source  you came out through. To the people, I have offended, honestly, it was not me. I must have done some good to you before you trusted me. It’s not me, it’s beyond my power. I can’t help my situation. My family knows but they still left me all alone.

“My stepmother knows but she complains about me. All the people I’m close to know what has been happening to me in the past three years but no one was willing to find a solution. Farewell. Vanity upon vanity. He or she that did this to me should live forever.”

He revealed though a video in his final post the materials which he wanted to use in taking his life. 

Following this, his followers and friends discouraged him from and persuaded him to discontinue his plans. Some tagged groups and people who they thought could be of help. One of such groups, RantHQ, reacted quickly and looked for David before he could kill himself. 

The administrator of the group, Suzan Ade Coker, said “David Oladayo Sanyaolu has been found. Hotel management broke into the room. Took him to the admin office. Two bottles of sniper taken from him. Thank you House Eleven Hotel and Apartments Ibadan for your swift response.

“I’ll update you all soon. Thank you to RantHQ members who swung into action! Thank you Pro Dee Gee for calling for help!”

Coker added, “David Oladayo Sanyaolu has been taken to the military hospital. House Eleven Hotel and Apartments has made a deposit with the hospital to enable treatment commence immediately. We desperately need to speak to members of his family. Thank you.”

Gideon Sanyaolu expressed shock on the incident saying he had no idea what caused the thought of committing suicide crossing his brother’s mind and denying knowing about his wife’s infidelity.  

“I really don’t know much about that. I only know that they have been having some financial issues, which made him leave Jos, and come to Ibadan to get a job.“He had already gotten a job in Ibadan.  Everything was fine until Sunday when this happened.”

However, he confessed that he hadn’t spoken to his brother’s wife since Sunday and that she wasn’t in Ibadan at the moment. He also revealed they had a 3-year-old daughter.

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