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Mystery Over OAU Student’s Suicide As Classmates Debunk Poor Academic Reasons



OAU lecturer phone

By Editor

The Obafemi Awolowo University final year student who took her life last weekend was not burdened with poor grades and carryovers her friends and classmates came out to say on Sunday.

The assertion by friends of Grace Opeyemi, has put further mystery into the reasons behind the suicide that last weekend shook the university community.

Miss Opeyemi was a final year student of English who allegedly took her life by drinking sniper last Friday.

Earlier reports had claimed that she was burdened with a high carryover load and had missed her graduation mark after her classmates graduated in the last session.

However, debunking the claim her classmates in a statement issued on Sunday said she was not academically stressed.

A statement issued by the class representatives of part four English students of the school, signed by Igbecha Oghenetega Chukwuebuka, Nwude Princess Ifeoma and Olafenwa Bukola Ruth observed that “the Dean Faculty of Arts, Head of Department English summoned the Exam Officer, the  immediate past Faculty of Art Students Association (FASA) President, who happens to be the class mate of the deceased and the incumbent  FASA president alongside the English part four class representatives to a meeting in the Dean’s Office this evening”. 

“A review was done about her results and it was clearly seen from the result that she didn’t have five outstanding courses neither did she have outstanding 12 special electives. She had 10 units of special electives passed already and she only had LIT 420(project course) yet to be approved or graded. Only her SER result is still being verified”. 

“In fact she is carrying no course over until her demise”. 

“We can then deduce that the deceased, Opeyemi Dara Grace death is not to be attributed to poor academic performance”. 

“The department, therefore, advises that anyone who has any issue with any course should please see the lecturer concerned individually. No group protest,  agitation or complain will be entertained”.

Hence, let any news or information that she committed suicide because of poor academic performance be dispelled”.

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