Northern Group Wants Southerners To Leave Jobs In The North - Green White Green -


Northern Group Wants Southerners To Leave Jobs In The North



By Editor

The rabidly pro-North Coalition of Northern Groups, CNG is to conduct an audit of all job opportunities in the North supposedly taken over by Southerners with a view to reclaiming such, the group said on Sunday.

Reviewing what it claimed as the actions by Southern authorities, the group said that the movement of people out of the North to the South was mainly because Southerners had taken over low level jobs reserved for indigenes in banks, insurance companies and other opportunities, the group said it would seek a reversal through an audit.

The group also flayed Northern leaders for failing to rise up to the occasion leaving the North rudderless a situation it claimed has led to conflicts in several areas of the Northern region.

“We warn that failure to bring about an immediate end to the violence ravaging the North will confirm fears that the region has been abandoned by the authorities, in which event communities will be left with the only option of taking steps to protect themselves,” the group said in the statement issued by Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, its spokesman.

Continuing, the group said:

“We demand that the federal government, northern  governors and legislators take immediate steps to reassert the rights of every Nigerian to practice the religion of his choice anywhere, and to draw the attention of Governor Wike to the consequences of repudiating the nation’s secular arrangement.

“We call on the federal and northern states governments to note our concerns for the personal liberty and safety of northerners pushed by circumstances to seek means of livelihood in other parts of the country.”

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