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Edo 2020

Edo: Obaseki Gives Hard Rules On Social Distancing



Edo Releases Guidelines For COVID-19 Vaccination

Godwin Obaseki came out of his 14-day isolation on Wednesday and rolled out stern measures to check the rampaging coronavirus pandemic in the state.

In an address monitored in Benin City, Governor Godwin Obaseki, said with 11 confirmed cases as at Wednesday, April 8, evidence shows that the number of cases is likely to increase significantly in the next few weeks.

 The governor, who has just completed 14-day isolation after exposure to confirmed cases of coronavirus, said throughout the isolation period, he had effectively coordinated the state’s efforts to stem the spread of the virus.

However, regretting the failure of the citizenry to heed supplications on social distancing, the governor while rolling out new measures said:

“For the next 14 days, it is compulsory that every person in Edo state must wear a face mask in public. The Edo State Association of Tailors and Fashion Designers are mass-producing high-quality reusable face masks at affordable prices. Any gathering of more than 20 people will be immediately dispersed and persons involved will be prosecuted.”

Compulsory wearing of face masks in public

Prosecution of persons in gatherings of more than 20

Markets to be shut for 30 days for fumigation

Prosecution of hotels which receive unscreened guests

Impoundment of vehicles violating social distance gathering

On markets closure, he said, “markets in Edo State will be shut for fumigation, sanitisation and thorough cleaning over the next 30 days. All those selling essential items like food and medicines will be relocated by the local government to the nearest open spaces where they can sell while observing social distancing regulations.

“The Edo State Government will shut down any hotel found to be hosting guests who travelled from outside Edo State and did not inform the COVID-19 response team to screen such guests. Vehicles with passengers not adhering to the social distancing regulations, will be impounded and the driver will be prosecuted.

Urging people to take ownership of the campaign to rid the state of the pandemic, he said, “Every business premises and household must have hand-washing facilities at points of entry and should please insist that everyone must wash their hands before entry.”

He added, “All Government hospitals and Primary Healthcare Centres will be used as screening centres to screen citizens who believe they may have been exposed or suspect that they may have symptoms of COVID-19.  We have now completed the first set of training for all health workers in Edo State who will man the screening and isolation centres.”

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