Trump Halts US Funds To WHO For COVID-19 Mess - Green White Green -

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Trump Halts US Funds To WHO For COVID-19 Mess



President Donald Trump has announced the cutting off of United States funding to the World Health Organisation for failing to lead the world’s response to COVID-19 pandemic when it first emerged in China.

At a press conference at the Rose Garden on Tuesday evening, the president blamed the world health body for failing to take the initiative in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. He particularly faulted the WHO for backing off when it was alerted on the impending challenges in China alleging that the WHO instead gave China a pat in the back.

Trump said the WHO “willingly took China’s assurances” and that it “defended the actions of the Chinese government, even praising its so-called transparency.”

Trump said that the WHO put political correctness above lives. The US contributed by far the highest amount estimated at between $400 and $500 million per year to the estimated $2.2 billion budget of the WHO.

He said the US contribution to global health initiatives would be channeled through other bodies.

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