Two COVID-19 Patients On The Run In Borno - Green White Green -


Two COVID-19 Patients On The Run In Borno



Two patients, Abbas Kaka Hassan, a 24-year-old male and Hauwa Mohammed, 42-year-old female, are on the run after testing positive to Covid-19 at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital in the metropolis.

The male is of Layin Tanki in Gwange II while the woman lives in Shuwari ward.

Borno’s commissioner of health and secretary to the state’s response team for the prevention and control of COVID-19, Dr. Salisu Kwayabura announced this at the team’s daily media briefings which held on Sunday at the Government House in Maiduguri.

He initially gave the male’s name while briefing journalists. After the briefing, he received additional name of a woman also on the run.

The commissioner said the male patient (Abbas) was initially in telephone contact with the response team after his sample was collected, but eventually switched off his phone when he learned he tested positive. He also said a phone number through which the patient’s mother was in touch with the team, has also been switched off.

“When samples of patients with contacts to index cases are collected, they are normally advised to go on self-isolation. They give their contacts so they can be reached when the results are out. This is the standard medical procedure.

“You can’t detain someone with suspected contact. We do not have the lawful powers to do that. Other patients were also allowed to leave but they came into isolation centres and we have 19 of them in two isolation centres. However, the young man in question chose to go into hiding”.

He noted that a diligent surveillance and investigation team is working very hard to track the patient.

Dr. Kwayabura called on anyone who tests positive of the disease not to regard it as a death sentence as the majority of those who test positive have recovered from the disease.

16 of Borno’s cases from community transmission

Dr Kwayabura also explained that 16 of Borno’s covid-19 cases emanated from community transmission, while 14 others were connected with the index and another case.

No face mask, no market

Dr Kwayabura also announced that the response team plans to ensure that anyone entering major markets at the relaxation of lockdown on Monday, must wear a face mask which can be made of cloth material if one does not have the medical mask.

He said the response team will be making masks available while hand washing points will also be increased to ensure hands are washed at entry and exit points.

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