Igini Denies APC's Claims - Green White Green - gwg.ng

Edo 2020

Igini Denies APC’s Claims



The Resident  Electoral Commissioner  for Akwa-Ibom  State, Hounourable Mike Igini has debunked social media insinuations made by a political  group linking him to the Edo election.

The INEC REC clarified that he passed a night in Benin  on his way to his home state, Delta State, having travelled by road, specifically Aniocha North, to attend the funeral ceremony  of the mother of a long time close friend.

Stating further, he added that it was common knowledge to any reasonable  person that, given what it takes to travel by road With all the insecurity challenges  and the fact that he arrived Benin City  late in the day, he passed the night in Benin with others who attended the ceremony.

He also added that ordinarily, he would not have responded to such barefaced lies, very absurd and nonsensical insinuations, having heard worse things in the past over elections, where political actors/election riggers that have little or no regard in their utterances  for the institutional pillars of democratic society have continued to destroy the reputation that people have built over the years.

He wondered under what authority he would recruit those imaginary “youth corpers”  that they are accusing him of when he is not a REC of Edo? 

He thus cautioned that people should not continue to abuse the social media to put out information that are wholly incorrect about others.

He wondered under what authority he would recruit those imaginary “youth corpers”  that they are accusing him of when he is not a REC of Edo ?  Furthermore,  he urged that such people should be mindful of people’s feelings and the  sensitivity of the public.

He noted that this unfortunate  situation is a reflection of  the low quality of people who are now involved in politics and how low political decorum have sunk in our society that one can no longer go through Benin and even dare to stop-over to  see family members-all because of elections that one has no interest in its outcome ?

In addition, he averred  that it was necessary  to disabuse the minds of innocent and decent people of Edo and all other citizens who may be confused in thinking that all members of decent society are unable to make the distinction  between the decorum that high office demands from public officials and the scurrilous chatter of the political echo-chambers of politicians and their supporters.

He further stated that it is  ridiculous  to associate  him with such alleged unethical conduct knowing that he had always condemned and  initiated on-going disciplinary  actions against staff and other ad hoc workers, some of whom have just been dismissed,  as well as other non staff who are to be arraigned in court for engaging in conduct that  are capable of undermining the integrity of elections.

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