Five Amazing Facts About Kissing - Green White Green -

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Five Amazing Facts About Kissing



History revealed that the practice of kissing has been passed on and adapted from one culture to another until it became supernormal and eventually gained importance in our society. 

Some facts about kissing that many people did not know include the following:; 

Loss of Calories

Kissing unlocks another method of exercising to burn calories. This show of emotions increases the metabolic rate of the body system and, as such, triggers the body to burn calories.

According to scientific research, one minute of kissing can burn 2 – 3 calories. Importantly , the longer kissing occurs, the more calories the person is likely to burn.

Exchange of Bacteria

Over 70 million different microbes are exchanged while kissing.

The human mouth contains millions of bacteria, and over 70 – 80 million bacteria are transferred from one person to another when a kiss occurs.

A kiss doesn’t need to occur for an extended period before microbes are exchanged. It happens within seconds when saliva is exchanged between partners.

Research has also found out that partners who kiss each other at least nine times a day share similar oral bacteria. These bacteria are not necessarily harmful, they help to protect the oral cavity and enhance food digestion.

Resistance To Body Allergy

Itchy eyes, runny nose, mild cough, and all of those allergy symptoms could be reduced with smooching of the lips.

According to a study in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research, kissing for 30 minutes can level down allergy symptoms in people with atopic eczema and mild seasonal allergies.

This is because about 300 kinds of bacteria are swapped between two people when they kiss. These living bacteria help the body fight infections better and also shield it from allergies.

Considered Spiritual In Some Cultures

Kissing is recognised and allowed in about 90 percent of today’s world cultures.

The remaining 10 percent consider kissing as less intimate and more spiritual. It is treated as a sacred act that shouldn’t be toiled with.

For instance,  in some areas in Sudan, it is believed that the mouth serves as a path to one’s soul. So many in these regions avoid it, fearing that their soul will be possessed or taken as soon as lip-locking with another occurs.

Functions As Facial Care

Locking of the lips uses about 34 facial muscles. This helps in relieving the facial muscles and keeping them tight, preventing baggy or saggy cheeks.

More so, the intensity of a passionate kiss increases tension in the facial muscles, smoothening the skin and increasing blood circulation in the face.

Also, looking younger may necessarily not be a problem when a person’s kissing routine is clean, healthy, and frequent.

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