The Fire Of God (2) - Green White Green -


The Fire Of God (2)



The protection of God over his people is very strong, total, constant and impregnable. He makes sure that the enemy does not destroy his children at will. Otherwise, Satan would have wiped away the whole of mankind. Now, one of the ways God does this is to build a hedge of fire around the believers. Yes, there is a divine protection, a wall of fire around you.

The agents of the kingdom of Satan know this very well. They often confess that ‘strange’ fire often blocks them from having access to Christians, especially the serious ones. God knows how wicked Satan and his agents are, hence, his putting in place a formidable defence in the form of blazing fire around us.

Most Christians, like Elisha’s servant, don’t realize this until God opens their eyes to see it. Whether you see it or not, it is always there, it is active and constant; ever-ready to protect you. In Zechariah 2:5 God says, “For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her.”

   This is the promise of God to his children. The bible also told us that God spoke in the midst of fire. That fire came out of his mouth. He answers by fire. And also that he is a consuming fire. If the believers appreciate and appropriate this truth, then Satan and his dark agents will always be on the run.

No agent of the kingdom of Satan (or Satan himself) can withstand the Fire of God. It devastates. It melts. It liquidates. It destroys. It incapacitates. It demolishes.  It consumes. It causes irreparable damages. And that is why they will always scamper for safety at its sight.

    We must regularly use this weapon in our prayers and spiritual warfare. Always ask the Fire of God to come down whenever you are in a battle (especially spiritual battle). Psalm 104:4 says that he is God:  “Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire.” We are flames of fire! Jesus! People that involve in deliverance ministrations will better appreciate this.

They will often see and hear demons shouting, begging and running away each time the Fire of God comes down. You will hear them lament that they can’t withstand the heat of the fire.

The devil is also always scared of the Fire of God because it reminds him of his final eternal place in the lake of fire. He hates to hear or to be reminded of this irrevocable, self-inflicted, eternal and painful doom that awaits him, his demons and his followers.

    Now, the bible already told us that we shall receive the baptism of fire from Jesus. Jesus himself also supported this when he said that he came to bring fire to the earth in Luke Chapter twelve, verse forty-nine.  Let us begin to use this deadly weapon of mass destruction that God has made available to us from today. He knew that we will always need it to battle these wicked and determined forces of darkness. Next, we will be looking at the roles angels play in spiritual warfare. Please, share this timely message with others. God bless you!

  Rev Gabriel Agbo is of the Assemblies of God, Nigeria and the author of the books / audiobooks: Power of Midnight Prayer, Receive Your Healing, Breaking Generational Curses: Claiming Your Freedom, Never Again!, I Shall Not Die, Move Forward, Power of Sacrifice and many others. (All in major languages of the world). Tel: 08037113283 Facebook: Pastor Gabriel Agbo E-mail: Website Twitter: pastorgabagbo

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