Common Mistakes Makeup Artists Make - Green White Green -


Common Mistakes Makeup Artists Make



Many people use makeup for various reasons. One of them is to enhance one’s natural beauty and to hide unflattering features.

However, quite easily, makeup could turn into an ugly art if not applied correct.

Here are some mistakes makeup artists make;

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1. Applying too much foundation and not blending it properly

Putting too much foundation will make the woman’s face appear cakey and be in a glaringly different shade than her neck. The purpose of the foundation is to smoothen her face and let the powder stay on longer not to change her entire complexion.

Plus, the foundation is not supposed to sit on her face, it should blend into her skin.

2. Using foundation in the wrong shade

This is a big problem, especially for dark-skinned women. Makeup artists need to get the foundation in one or two shades lighter, so when they use bronzer and highlighter it blends with her colour.

3. Excessive use of bronzer and highlighter

A general rule of makeup is to highlight only one or two features at a time. It should be done in moderation and not like a new face is being made.

Secondly, use a bronzer sparingly, using it all over your face will make the client look like a glowstick. Take a blush brush, fluff the excess product and use it on your cheekbones and bridge of your nose. It doesn’t have to be too much.

4. Not contouring properly

Just like with other products, the shade used is very important. Using a shade of contour that is too dark is a bad idea from the jump. Only go one or two shades darker.

Plus, you need to blend the contour properly with other things you’ve applied. We do not need to be seeing the contour lines. When you are done, apply the setting spray.

You also need to consider the shape of your client’s face when contouring to avoid stories that touch.

5. Not using a primer

You need to prime your skin for makeup. Using a primer smooths out your face and makes your makeup last longer.

Thick eyebrows

The eyebrows should be subtle. You don’t need to make her eyebrows so thick and prominent they should look as natural as possible.

Some makeup artists highlight the eyebrows too much.

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