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Army Chief Orders Release Of Female Soldier In Romance With NYSC Corps Member



female soldier NYSC release

Private Sofiyat Akinlabi, the female soldier entangled in a romantic relationship with a National Youth Service Corps, NYSC member is to be released on Christmas Day in the spirit of the season, army spokesman, Brigadier General Onyema Nwachukwu has said.

Brigadier General Nwachukwu told PRNigeria, a media clearing house for the Nigerian government that the she would be released from detention on Christmas Day and pardoned but with a strict warning not to offend again.

“I can confirm to you that an order has been made for the soldier to be freed and enjoy the Christmas with her family and friends with a serious warning for her not to repeat such act again,” he said

The pardon  GreenWhiteGreen GWG reports follows behind the scene efforts by the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Faruq Yahaya, who in the spirit of the Christmas season.

Before the intervention of the army chief,  GreenWhiteGreen GWG had reported plans to subject the female soldier to trial with the prospect of spending a month in detention as punishment.

PRNigeria learnt from credible sources in the Nigerian military that Gen. Yahaya, in the last few days, made overtures to the leadership of the Nigerian armed forces, requesting that the soldier be pardoned.

However, the COAS maintained that the erring soldier should be strongly reprimanded against engaging in any kind of act that contravenes the military code of conduct for its officers and men, the sources said.

The Military authority has considered the appeal of the Army Chief and ordered the release of the female soldier to enjoy Christmas with family and friends following her ordeal after the proposal from the NYSC member.

However, aside public ‘outrage’ over the action of the Nigerian military, PRNigeria gathered that Lt. Gen. Yahaya’s ‘appeal for mercy’ for the female soldier, may not be unconnected with the fact that the Christmas season presents an opportunity for persons who erred to be given clemency.

“The COAS, in his wisdom, believes that the young female soldier will retrace her steps and show remorse for engaging in acts that negates military ethical codes, by the time she is pardoned and forgiven. Hence, he has been appealing for her to be pardoned. This is what he has been doing behind the scene, in the last few days,” said a senior military officer, who does not want PRNigeria to mention his name.

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