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Seven Ways To Maintain Peace With Neighbours



peace with neighbours

Whether you live in the city, semi-urban or in a rural community, learning the art of being neighborly is something that can benefit us all. Here are seven ways to navigate the etiquette of being at peace with your neighbours.

Always remember people’s name

Listen when people are talking, and remember them.  If you do that  it is evidence that   you see and value them.

Gather few neighbours for a meal

An invitation to your home is a way to make a big step forward in relationships with your neighbors. Some friends of ours wanted a simple way to do this, so they set up a few folding tables and chairs and invited the few houses around them for  a moderate lunch.

Be generous

Being generous to neighbours is another way of maintaining peace and good relationships.  As much as you can offer help and don’t be known as stingy and one who never offers help when needed.

Have ultimate motives and not ulterior motive

Ultimate motives are the larger hopes, dreams and desires you have that shape who you are and don’t have people who may regard ‘hidden agenda’ which is aimed at personal gain or benefit.  

Be reasonable about pets

 This can be a big point of contention among neighbors, so try to tread lightly whether you are the pet owner or the one being bothered by a neighbor’s pets.

Get Others Involved!

This is a big deal. People will feel more connected to the neighborhood if they’re personally invested and have served even in a small way.

Follow parking order

 Always try to park in front of your own house if possible, and never block neighbors’ driveways. In some neighborhoods with narrow streets, it is the custom for everyone to park on only one side — even if it’s not an official rule, it is best to follow suit.

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