Seven Profitable Businesses For Students On Campus - Green White Green -


Seven Profitable Businesses For Students On Campus



Several times many students become stranded on campus when they are unable to get the needed funds from their parents at the right time. In order to avoid such a situation, here are eight profitable businesses students can engage in without distracting from their studies while on campus.  


Tutoring is one way to make money while on campus. If there’s a list of courses you know you’re good at, organise paid tutorials for your classmates or juniors. You can fix these tutorials in your schedule such that it doesn’t affect your lecture and study times.

Graphic designs

If you’re good with illustrating and creating visuals, then graphic designing is the right side hustle for you as a student. If you know how to use Adobe, Photoshop, and other design software perfectly, you can work as a contract designer or content creator for businesses around you. You can take on as many clients as you can and make as much money.

Brand ambassador/influencing

With the popularity of social media, you can become a brand influencer or ambassador for upcoming brands or brands that want to gain ground among students. What you do is represent the brand to students just like yourself and this is indeed, a profitable business idea for students on campus.

Event ushering

Different organisations hold countless events in various places around you. Many of these events require ushers to have a smooth and properly-coordinated event, and the organizations are ready to pay decent amounts to the ushers.

Selling thrift items

If you decide to sell fashion items such as bags, clothes, and shoes, you would never run out of business. This is because everyone on campus wants to look good at an affordable price! Most boutiques have nice things at back-breaking prices. So, if you sell quality items at affordable prices, students will patronise you.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing is the aspect of marketing that uses the internet to promote products and services on digital platforms. As a student, this is so easy because all you need to do is position yourself and use your mobile phone to promote products and services of brands and turn it into a profitable business even on campus.

Content creation

If you’re creative enough to create the right contents for the right audience on various social media platforms, you can make money off it.

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