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Why Okowa, Delta PDP Are Afraid Of Nwaoboshi – APC



Okowa Nwaoboshi APC

The All Progressives Congress, APC in Delta State has hit at the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP and Governor Ifeanyi Okowa, accusing them of being afraid of the political prowess of Senator Patrick Nwaoboshi and his capacity to swing Delta North to the APC.

The APC’s assertion was in response to a statement by the PDP in which the ruling party in the state had decried claims by Nwaoboshi of his capacity to stop the PDP from rigging.

“There’s no rigging plan that I don’t know. The battle has started. It’s total war. Not the war involving the use of firearms; but they will have themselves to blame should they try that,” Senator Nwaoboshi had said during the inauguration of the new APC state executive in Asaba on Wednesday.

“Clearly rattled by the resurgence of the APC in Delta State, the PDP fixated on Senator Nwaoboshi, a political powerhouse they have now obviously identified as their chief nemesis in Delta North,” the APC said in a statement issued by its spokesman, Dr. Omene Odafe.

“Everyone knows by now that Osuoza, while fancying himself as the spokesman of a political party, is actually only the Man Friday of the woefully failed Governor of Delta State, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa and his PDP-led administration which has been politically castrated,” the APC said in noting why Governor Okowa and the PDP are afraid of Nwaoboshi.

“Thanks to Okowa, there is no political party, properly so-called, in the embodiment of the PDP in Delta State and, what really exists is merely a refugee camp of starved and starving politicians.”

“Far from Senator Nwaoboshi losing his usefulness to the PDP, it is the PDP that lost a gem of rare and sterling political sagacity and resourcefulness in Nwaoboshi, when they were foolish enough to lose him to the APC.

“In fact, while pretending that Nwaoboshi’s exit is not a headache to the PDP, by continuously obsessing over the veteran political grandmaster ever since his defection, the PDP had only unwittingly exposed the fact that it is scared witless of him and that Governor Okowa, in particular, has suddenly found the prospects of his political future to be quite bleak, going forward!”

“The PDP has always been the party of violence and thuggery, of thumb-printing and snatching of ballot boxes, of kill the people, steal the vote and share the money!

“Senator Nwaoboshi was merely serving notice that with the inauguration of a new executive, the APC is now fully on ground to rescue Delta State from what would eventually amount to 24 years of kleptomaniac misrule under the PDP by 2023!”

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