Seven Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You Enough

Respect is an integral part of any relationship and a severe deficiency from one partner may lead to a break of such a relationship. Here are seven signs to show that your partner doesn’t respect you enough.
Your partner ignores your boundaries
Healthy relationships are all about establishing and respecting one another’s boundaries, so if a partner repeatedly ignores or tramples all over yours, it’s clear that there is a lack of respect.
Keep lying to you
Dishonesty is one of the most disrespectful and destructive behaviors in any relationship. It shows your partner doesn’t care about the impact their actions have on your life, and that they’re only thinking about themselves. Lying has no place in a respectful relationship,
Gives silent treatment
Your partner may give you silent treatment by ignoring your call, sending your call to voicemail, or moving to another room. The end of such a relationship may be near because it is toxic.
Always interrupting when talking
As a general rule, respect means that our partner treats us in all situations as an equal, When we cut off a person midstream, we are sending a message that says, ‘What I have to say is more important than your thoughts. I don’t respect what you have to offer.
Your partner doesn’t value your time
If you’re always the one changing your plans to accommodate your partner’s, if your dreams are constantly put on hold in favour of his//hers it’s all a sign of disrespect.
Doesn’t allow you Privacy or independence
A partner can demonstrate disrespect if they do not allow you to have time to yourself and require you to explain any activities done without them. It can also show up in their snooping through your personal belongings, such as your mail or journal.
Make important decision without you
If your partner makes important decisions without consulting you first, he/she might not respect you enough.
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