Five Ways A Man May Destroy His Marriage

The goal of marriage is a partnership in which the man and woman want to feel loved, appreciated and valued. But any man who fails or neglects the marriage creed and embarks on some behaviours may easily ruin his marriage relationship. Here are five mistakes some men make to destroy their marriages.
Leave her alone
One of the quickest ways to destroy your family is to leave your wife alone may be as a result of work or other engagements. Problems arise when you leave the house early, barely speaking to or connecting with your wife before you dash out of the door. Start the day with a hug and let her know you love her.
Lack of emotional connection
Your wife feels energized when she feels close to you. Any man refusing to let her know the real you fans is destructive to her and to your marriage. Your wife needs emotional connection therefore, let your wife know who you are.
Never saying sorry
While conflict is not a pleasant thing, growth and closeness can increase as conflict is resolved. When you refuse to apologize, you stand your ground and signal that the fight continues. Your small act of contrition soothes her spirit, and acts as a healing balm over her heart.
Refuse to take responsibility
It is easy to blame someone else for your behavior. Rather than own-up to the problem, you choose the role of victim. It feels like a free pass, but for any man blaming others and failing to take control of your own life will not only destroy your marriage, but other areas of your life as well.
Getting lost in bitterness/anger
When you shut your wife out to brood in your despair, it fills her with fear. Women like to talk things out, while men like to shut things out.
When you feel stressed about work, money, about your relationship, or whatever challenge that appears insurmountable, you probably turn inward. This can easily provoke your wife’s fear of abandonment and rejection and for man that does that it sounds ill for his marriage.
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