Five Misconceptions And Myths About Ember Months

There have been myths passed down from generations about Ember months which have increased the fear of the public and have make these last four months of the year appear as an evil omen to a lot of people.
Among the misconceptions that have turned into myths are:
Witches cause more accidents during Ember months
The conception that witches and/or the devil cause more accidents during Ember months so as to have more souls or blood for their kingdom doesn’t appear to be true.
Witches or the devil is not responsible for the increase in accidents we have during the Ember months. Instead, it is our rush in movement in the spirit of festivity.
Human rituals are more common
People who are members of a cult have been doing human rituals at any time it was demanded or required of them. It doesn’t necessarily mean that these people wait all through the year just to make human blood sacrifice at the last quarter of the year.
Criminal activities spike during the period
Stealing is not a new thing because it happens every day. Even robbery in banks happens unexpectedly with or without information from the inside. The Ember months are no different from every other month in the calendar for thieves or even fraudsters.
However, the exception is the end of year rush by some especially in the civil service to rush through contracts and other expenditure not executed that could lapse in the following year.
Rampant cases of people missing
People go missing is another of the myths around the Ember Months. But people go missing almost every day; people miss their way, have head injury and forget their residence, get eaten by a wild animal during a picnic in the woods, the list can go on and on.
Kidnappers have always been there drafting out a plan and plotting ways to kidnap people just anytime they get the chance.
Rising cost of household items
Just like other months, we have even seen the prices of goods doubled their previous price. Something people use to buy at ₦50 becomes ₦70. In most cases, it keeps on increasing for a long time without dropping. All that doesn’t only happen during the Ember months, it can happen at any time in the year.
While it is true that in some cases that prices of some commodities including foodstuff and chicken may spike, it is also holds that prices of some commodities are reduced by companies engaged in Christmas promotion and other end of the year campaigns.
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