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Foods To Avoid Before Having S3x



Some foods are the perfect aphrodisiac, perfect for getting you in the mood but others can put a stop to your night altogether.

The wrong food can cause you discomfort immediately before the act or during the act itself.

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Here are some foods you should try to avoid;


Apart from giving you stinky breathe down your lover’s, garlic is supposedly a prime culprit for making a man’s semen taste funky, along with caffeine, red meat and onions.

There are reports that the bodily fluids of vegetarians taste better than meat eaters. So ditch the meat and garlic, and load up on greens.

Heavy Carbs

Another to avoid if you don’t want to feel lethargic and sleepy. Carbs like potatoes, bread, and pasta are likely to raise the blood sugar levels for the short term but a couple of hours later the sugar levels crash and so does energy.


Sweet treats may tempt the taste buds, but they are no friends to the ecosystem in your gut. Sugar feeds the unfriendly bacteria that occupy the gut.

When they’re fed, they can produce toxins which results in bloating, wind and abdominal discomfort. No one wants to start a night of passion feeling gassy.


A bit of an obvious one, but no one ever had the most satisfying sexual experience when they were trashed. A drink may make you feel sexy, but too much interferes with performance and enjoyment in the long run.

Salty food

Last but not the least, avoid salty food before sex! That’s because foods loaded with salt make you feel bloated in no time. Apart from that, it can also prevent you from reaching an orgasm by reducing your blood flow. You clearly don’t want that, right?

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