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Gov Soludo Speaks On Rift With Peter Obi 



Charles Soludo, Anambra State Governor, on Thursday revealed that there is nothing personal in the disagreement between him and the Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate, Peter Obi. 

According to him, he and Peter Obi are brothers and they speak with each other constantly.

READ ALSO: Peter Obi, Soludo Meet In Awka (PHOTOS)

He added that the alleged rift between them is just a disagreement on political ideologies which some people are trying to blow out of proportion, adding that they will soon meet to iron out their differences.

Recall that Soludo in a recent article titled ‘History beckons and I will not be silent,’ said Obi is only playing a game and can’t win the 2023 presidency.

The submission drew mixed reactions from Nigerians and other stakeholders in the political landscape, attracting huge criticism for Soludo.

However, speaking on Thursday at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Awka, during the thanksgiving mass for Most Rev. Paulinus Ezeokafor in celebration of his 70th birthday, Soludo said some mischievous persons are trying to cause a rift between him and Obi based on the article.

As earlier reported by, Peter Obi and Soludo met at the event and hugged each other.

Speaking further at the event, the Anambra Governor added that some people were shocked to see them hug and greet each other passionately after the ‘explosive’ statement.

He also denied collecting any $28 million bribe to frustrate the presidential ambition of Obi.

He said: “Today is very special. When we came into the service, it was the first time, my brother, Peter Obi and I are meeting in a public event and in a Catholic Church which two of us belong to. I think it was divine.

“When I came in, I quickly went to where he sat and hugged him, people watched with bewilderment as if we’re acting drama. Is it not the same people quarrelling?

“Let me tell you, we spoke two times, just last night. We’re brothers. You know I’m not one of those politicians that speak from two sides of the mouth. I can’t pretend. I’m a politician, but also wants to make heaven. I’ll keep saying the truth.

“There’s no rift between Obi and I at a personal level. Nobody snatched each other’s wife. What appears to be the rift between us is fundamental political differences. Nothing else.

“So for those forging blackmail and all that, including the one they said I collected bribe to say what I said, I asked them to bring it so I use it to construct roads. If Soludo is into bribery, I would have been multi trillonaire.

“On the fundamental differences we have, we are going to meet in the next few weeks. We’ve agreed to discuss and iron out our differences. Unfortunately, he’s left. We must get it done. Anambra is for all of us.”

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