Five Serious Things You May Not Know About Snoring

Not only can snoring be annoying and disturb your sleep, it can point to more serious issues. Here are five snoring facts you probably didn’t know.
Lifestyle choice can make snoring worse
Your lifestyle choices can make your snoring problem worse or even cause a problem that was not there previously. For example, smoking can cause lasting damage that leads to snoring and sleep apnea. Drinking and overeating are other lifestyle choices that can cause or worsen a snoring problem.
It may be a result of your sleeping position
Sometimes the explanation for snoring is as simple as looking at your preferred sleeping position. For example, some people only snore when they are lying on their back. This is an issue that is relatively easy to treat because it simply requires an adjustment in your sleep position.
Can be caused by body anatomy
Some people simply have anatomy that leads to snoring. This occurs when the position of your tongue and jaw lead to an obstruction of your airway. The obstruction then results in snoring and possibly sleep apnea.
May be a symptom of serious health condition
The reality is that snoring can be a symptom of something more that is much more serious than an annoyance. It can be a sign of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition that can lead to serious medical issues.
A dentist may help you with the problem
With the knowledge about the possible causes of snoring, you would not neglect to consult a dentist if that is your problem because he can help you with your snoring issues by fitting you with a customized oral appliance that repositions your tongue and jaw while you sleep.
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