Five Consequences Of Going To Bed Angry With Your Spouse

Going to bed angry with your spouse or someone else not only impacts the next day, it causes cumulative and harmful effects. Here are some of the negative consequences of going to bed still angry with your spouse.
It added more blocks to the wall
Unresolved conflict night after night creates a relational wall that becomes increasingly tough to penetrate. The continual cycle of ending your day angry can also create a feeling of hopelessness in your relationship.
Harder to have a fresh start the next day
A good night’s sleep can create a sense of new hope the next morning among couples, but going to bed angry with your spouse defeats that hope.
It hurts your health
Anger not only harms you emotionally but also physically. Many studies have shown that quality of sleep affects overall health. And, when you go to bed angry, a good night’s sleep is usually compromised.
Impedes sexual intimacy
Going to bed angry not only kills the mood but repeatedly going to bed angry creates an unhealthy pattern of fewer opportunities for sexual intimacy. However, there are times when couples who work through their disagreements before bed find themselves suddenly open to intimacy.
It sends wrong message to your spouse
The message you send to your spouse when you have a pattern of going to bed angry is that your marriage and your spouse’s well-being are less important to you than winning in conflict. How you handle end of day conflicts either builds up or tears down your marriage.
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