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Five Reasons Why You Must Not Celebrate Valentine Day



attract attention from men

February 14 every year is regarded as St Valentine Day where both married and unmarried persons exchange love gifts and some take the opportunity of the day to  engage in  immoral acts. However, there are reasons why you must not celebrate the day as it is presently done.

It is a pagan holiday

Historically, Valentine’s Day began from the pagan holiday Lupercalia. It occurred in the middle of February and celebrated fertility. Men went naked and sacrificed goats and rams, young men then used the hide from the animals to whip young women.

 This tradition was abolished by the Catholic Church and converted to celebrate a martyred Saint Valentine. Interestingly, there are two Saint Valentines; we don’t even know the one we are celebrating.

 It is not a romantic holiday

 Even though some poets gave romantic connotations to Valentine’s Day, it was not meant to celebrate romantic love.

It is capitalist and consumerism

People spend unnecessary money and put themselves under pressure just to make corporations happy. Buying wine, chocolate and other gifts on some particular occasion makes other people richer. There are nobler ways to spend money.

 Celebrating Valentine’s Day is not proof of love

If you and your partner decide not to celebrate Valentine’s Day, it doesn’t mean that you do not love each other, because it is what you have been doing every day since you got married.  The idea of setting one day aside as lovers’ day does not make reasonable sense.

It puts an unusually high burden on some people

 Let’s face it, it is men who bear the financial burden of Valentine’s Day and it can be a heavy and lopsided one to carry. Why must you carry the unnecessary heavy burden every year?

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