Six Ways To Reduce Fuel Consumption In Your Car - Green White Green -


Six Ways To Reduce Fuel Consumption In Your Car



With petrol and diesel prices constantly on the rise, it’s super important that you make the most out of every drop and reduce fuel consumption so that you can save yourself some money.

Service and maintain your car

Ensure your vehicle engine is serviced regularly and in line with manufacturer schedules. Using the correct parts, fluids and lubricants will make your vehicle work better and be more efficient than one that doesn’t. It’ll be more reliable too.

Maintain a smooth speed

Do not speed fast and then slam on the brakes to go over the bump. Ensure you maintain a constant speed of 15 to 20 mph unless your car is particularly low or the bumps are exceptionally high.

Use of air conditioning

Air conditioning is one of the things that increase your fuel consumption by up to seven per cent in town driving. At higher speeds, the effect is less noticeable, and using the air conditioning at highway speeds is more efficient than having the windows down because of the drag that’s created.

Avoid additional weight

 How heavy your car is also determines how much fuel it will consume.

 An unnecessary muddle is a major culprit, but simply clearing out what’s in the backseat and the boot can have a positive impact as well.

 Monitor your speed

 Always ensure you monitor and keep in mind your level of speed. It is a safe practice and it can also benefit you in reducing your fuel consumption.

Performance of your tyres

Having your vehicle’s tires inflated to the correct pressures has a significant impact on your vehicle’s fuel economy.  Under-inflated tires can have a detrimental effect on your mpg by as much as 2.5 per cent.

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