Ogbaru Reps Seat: Ogene Thanks Constituents, Obi, Nwoye, Commends Rivals - Green White Green - gwg.ng

2023 Nigeria Decides

Ogbaru Reps Seat: Ogene Thanks Constituents, Obi, Nwoye, Commends Rivals



Winner of the Ogbaru Federal Constituency, Anambra state election, Hon Victor Afam Ogene, has expressed gratitude to the people of Ogbaru whose votes ensured he triumphed at the recently held election.

Ogene who is the candidate of the Labour Party (LP), also commended his opponents in the keenly contested election, that he won with a slim margin of 232 votes, inviting the to join hands with him to work for the good of the people.

While Ogene polled a total of 10,851 votes to emerge winner, the  People’s Democratic Party (PDP)’s candidate and incumbent representative of the federal constituency, Hon. Chukwuka Onyema, got 10,619 votes and the candidate of the ruling All Progressives Grand Alliance, (APGA), in the state, Hon. Arinze Awogu, got 10,155 votes to place third.

He attributed his victory to the favour and grace of God and the magnanimity of the Ogbaru electorate, who he said freely gave him the mandate, adding that God alone gives power to whosever He chooses.

Ogene in a statement on Monday, noted that the slim margin from the final results of the polls clearly underscores the fact that the  three major contestants were all eminently qualified to represent Ogbaru.

He said further: “I, therefore, congratulate my brothers, Rep.(Prince) Chukwuka Onyema, Ikenga Ogbahu, and Comrade Arinzechukwu Awogu, Omekaodinma Ogbahu, for standing out in the quest for a better Homeland for our people. I assure them of my desire and commitment to work with them and other well meaning ndi Ogbahu, for the good of our people.

The ties that binds us as umu Ogbahu are ultimately stronger than any loose strings that tends to divide us. I salute their tenacity and abiding love for our people. Across our various communities in Ogbaru hinterlands and Okpoko, the clarion call revolved around the betterment of our people.

“From the outset, we were deeply conscious of our brotherhood and the fact that we are one people, of a common heritage and destiny, hence our campaign mantra, Ogbahu: ‘Anyi Bu Ofu!’

“During the campaigns, some of our supporters crossed the borderline of decency, inspite of our admonitions to the contrary. On behalf of my Team and I, I accept responsibility for all infractions, real or imagined, that emanated from my camp.

“Going forward, we must join hands to steer Ogbaru away from conflicts that have neither rhyme nor reason and farther away from narrow, cultic interests.

“The man who wills, resolves and perseveres can do almost anything!’

“For us, Ogbaru can and must be a better place, taking strength from adversity.

“Power belongs to God and He freely gives it to whomsoever He wills per time; We can only be privileged custodians of His delegated authority.

“In total commitment to the guiding principles of the Obedient Movement, which is total transformation of our society, we pledge, by the Grace of God, to press forward from a sense of hope and reality to make Ogbaru great again.

“In a couple of days, we shall be unveiling our legislative framework for the next four years. In the immediate, however, the urgency of NOW demands that we must, as a People, seek an end to the divisive fault lines that clog the progress of ndi Ogbahu. We cannot attain meaningful progress standing on different sides of the aisle. For me, uniting our peoples is a task that MUST be accomplished.

“We remain eternally grateful for this rare opportunity to serve you again. Across party lines and group interests, we shall work in tandem with all of our peoples.”

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