Six Risks Of Sitting For Long Period

If your job demands sitting for too long, you need to adjust your schedule otherwise your health may suffer a great deal. Here are six risks associated with long sitting.
Diseases of civilization
Sitting also raises your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, which all play a role in the condition. Moving throughout the day can help even more than exercise to lower your risk of all these health problems.
High risk of DVT
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a clot that forms in your leg, often because you sit still for too long. It can be serious if the clot breaks free and lodges in your lung.
You can gain weight
If you are in the habit of watching a lot of TV or surfing the web for hours then you’re more likely to be overweight or obese. If you exercise every day, that’s good, but it won’t make a huge dent in the extra weight you gain as a result of too much screen time.
It can wreck your back
The seated position puts huge stress on your back muscles, neck, and spine. No matter how comfortable you get, your back still won’t like a long sitting session. Get up and move around for a minute or two every half hour to keep your spine in line.
High risk of cancer
You may be more likely to get colon, endometrial, or lung cancer. The more you sit, the higher the odds. Older women have higher odds of breast cancer. That doesn’t change if you’re super-active. What matters is how much you sit.
It can shorten your life
You’re more likely to die earlier from any cause if you sit for long stretches at a time. It doesn’t help if you exercise every day or not. Of course, that’s no excuse to skip the gym. If you do that, your time may be even shorter.
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