Six Foods That Can Reduce Risk Of Stroke

Several epidemiological studies shows that nutrition influences stroke development and dietary adjustments can prevent that. Here are six foods that can reduce risks of stroke in human body,,
Eating foods high in potassium helps the body maintain fluid balance and also regulate blood pressure. Some studies have also emphasised that a potassium-rich diet can help in reducing the risk of ischemic strokes which accounts for about 80% of all strokes.
Tomatoes are another food that has been shown to reduce the risk of getting ischemic stroke. This is because the consumption of tomatoes gives your body lycopene and antioxidants, both of which play key roles in preventing stroke.
Garlic seems to be the one plant that has so many medicinal advantages and preventing stroke is one of them. Garlic contains ajoene – a molecule that helps prevent blood platelets from accumulating in one place and forming a blood clot, which usually results in a stroke.
In addition to this, garlic can also help to reduce high levels of bad cholesterol in the body which is another risk factor for stroke. Eating garlic raw is the best means to prevent stroke. If you can’t deal with the smell, you can swallow tiny bits like a pill, which could also help.
A meta-analysis reported that eating a handful of peanuts every day can reduce the risk of stroke, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease.
Peanuts are abundant in fiber, which reduces the risk of stroke by controlling excessive cholesterol.
Antioxidants help relax the blood arteries and increase blood flow while decreasing inflammation.
Researchers discovered that blueberries and other berries are rich in antioxidants, which can reduce the chance of having a second heart attack or stroke
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