No Man Is God: Olisa Metuh, Buhari Survivor, BS Testifies

On Jan 2nd, 2016, I ended my response to the APC’s warning about dealing with me for calling President Muhammadu Buhari a tyrant with ” Finally we are aware that President Buhari has directed security agencies to be more vicious in dealing with our members and has continued to subtly coerce the Judiciary to convict those being charged to court.
But what gives us joy is that President Buhari is not God and we will not worship him”. The government had become uncomfortable with my decisive role in installing ‘opposition’ presiding officers in the National Assembly, my effective media presence in showcasing their lack of preparedness for power and my meetings in Dubai and France with key APC leaders in setting the stage for the return of the ‘new PDP’ members. (SOMEDAY I WILL TELL THE WHOLE STORY).
Three(3) days later, on the 5th, I was arrested and taken from my home to face one of the greatest persecution, propaganda, and media trial ever undertaken in our democracy. Even today some still believe those well spurn lies. But this is not a tale for now.
My story today is that truly no man is God. Men had boasted that I will spend Buhari’s entire tenure in prison, I was hurled before Justice Abang who enjoyed and celebrated my torment and humiliation daily in his quest to be elevated to the Court of Appeal.
Yes, attempts were made on my life twice, yes my family life was severely affected, my reputation and image shredded, my health irreversibly damaged, businesses and finances destroyed but I survived. They came against me with their power and strength but I held steadfastly to David’s words in Psalm 27.
I thank you, God, for my surviving President Buhari’s evil regime, a government that mouthed anti-corruption but hoisted the greatest sleaze and heist in the history of our nation, a government that trampled on the rights, freedom, and liberties of its citizens, a government that visited its citizens with wickedness and untold hardship, a government that sought to rule but not to lead, a government that embodied failures in all aspects and ramifications.
BUHARI tried to play God but he is not God. He represents emptiness and failures. He will never be worshipped. There goes Buhari, may such never exist in our life again.
I survived, not true my strength but through the mercies of God. Even then I will celebrate life, even with its hardships and disappointments, for I am a Buhari survivor, yes a BUHARI SURVIVOR(BS).
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