Nigerian Artist Gets Approval From Guinness World Records


Nigerian Artist Gets Approval From Guinness World Records, Set To Paint For 3 Days 



A Nigerian artist, identified as Oyinlola has gotten a go-ahead from the Guinness World Records as she aspires to set a new record for the longest painting session.

The artist revealed that the project is scheduled to commence on Saturday, October 28, and conclude on Monday, October 30. She referred to it as a remarkable and creative journey.

READ ALSO: Nigerian Boy Clinches Guinness World Record For Most Skips On One Foot

Oyinlola extended an invitation to fellow Nigerians, urging them to participate and contribute to upholding the nation’s honor. Additionally, she mentioned her intention to seek sponsorship for the upcoming event.

Sharing a snapshot of her approval from Guinness World Records, the artist wrote;

“But I can’t do it alone. I’m seeking sponsors to help make this historic event possible. By supporting me, you’ll not only be part of a record-breaking achievement, but also contribute to the promotion of art and creativity worldwide.”

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