Five Foods And Drinks That Cause Bad Breath - Green White Green -


Five Foods And Drinks That Cause Bad Breath



The type of food we eat every day can directly cause or contribute in greater percentage to the bad breath we experience.  Here are five foods we consume that cause bad breath.


Garlic is also absorbed into your bloodstream, which allows a second wave of odour to enter your lungs and then readily exit through your mouth. When the garlic has been absorbed, your pores start to release a pungent odour.


In spite of its health benefits, milk can be bad for the mouth. The unpleasant and repulsive odour comes from the natural bacteria living on your tongue, as they consume amino acids found in milk and cheese and cause bad breath.


Coffee has a lot of advantages to human health, yet  it can also cause dryness in the mouth, which can lead to a decrease in saliva production and create an environment that allows foul-smelling bacteria to flourish and linger. Sip on a glass of water for each cup of coffee you have which dissolves stinky substances.

Citrus fruits

Eating a lot of citrus fruits like tangerine, orange and lemon promotes bad breath since odour-causing bacteria prefer an acidic environment. This is especially true if you experience acid reflux, as it can cause acids to come back up into your throat, leading to an unpleasant smelly breath.

Canned Fish

Trimethyl Amines, a substance present in fish, is the source of that fishy smell we all hate. They tend to remain in the mouth and emit an unpleasant odour.

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