Group Asks Senate To Ignore Petitions Against Okotete - Green White Green -


Group Asks Senate To Ignore Petitions Against Okotete



The leadership of the Nigeria Association for Public Opinion Research (NAFPOR), has called on the Nigerian Senate to ignore petitions against Mrs Stella Okotete who it described as one of the most refined Nigerians in public life. 

“The Nigerian Senate is to fulfill the expectations of Nigerians and not to do the bidding of political hackers and merchants who are desperate to pull others down to climb”

 They said the unguarded utterances and attacks against Delta State Ministerial nominee Mrs. Stella Okotete was an act of desperation by some elements who are desperate to achieve their parochial interest as their petitions do not represent public opinion. 

Speaking on behalf of the Group,  the National Co-ordinator Mr.  Benjamin Atu in a Press Statement on Monday faulted the actions of some individuals who are bent on fostering their personal bias for the Nigerian Senate to implement. 

He described their belated blackmailing and call for the disqualification of Mrs.  Stella Okotete as sickening and Alarmist approaches in their haste to paint her black to achieve unrealistic expectations.  There is no need to cry over spilled milk. She will be screen by the Senate successfully to the Glory of God and to the shame of political backstabbers. 

According to them,  Mrs. Stella Okotete has built a reputation for decency and competence. It is disheartening that Deltans who are supposed to be celebrating one of their own are the ones seeking her disqualification against the general wish of Nigerians.  Power comes from God and what God has ordained no person or group of persons can annuled.

 He appeals to the Nigeria Senate to read the hand writing on the wall and ignore the faceless groups who are endowed with unprecedented capacity to tell lies in the spirit of bitterness to impugn the reputation of Mrs.  Stella Okotete with the intention of misleading the Senate to secure a place for themselves. 

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