Five Amazing Benefits Of Holding Hands

The National Hand Holding Day is celebrated every year on August 9 and came into being on account of the benefits. This day was created to encourage people to hold hands as a way to emphasize the importance of touch and encourage affection towards loved ones.
Although the origins of National Hand-Holding Day are unknown, the gesture of holding hands is common among most cultures around the world. Holding hands can be done as a sign of love, friendship, or solidarity. Here are five benefits of holding hands.
Reduces pain
When we feel like someone is sharing our pain that helps the brain manage it better. It could be that touch is a tool for communicating empathy, resulting in an analgesic, or pain-killing, effect. It counteracts loneliness.
Helps The Elderly
As one get older, the benefit of skin touch can be overwhelming. For an elderly person, reaching for their hand can have far more benefits than giving them pills according to psychologists. In an affection deprived society today, people are yearning for hand touch that brings comfort and sense of joy.
It soothes
Studies have shown that the effects of warm, supportive touch include reduced amounts of the stress hormone cortisol, lower blood pressure and slower heart rates. Holding hands reduces the physiological consequences of stressful response.
It helps us connect
Holding hands, especially when we interlace our fingers with another person’s, encourages the release of this “cuddle hormone which brings feelings of devotion, trust and bonding.
Boosts oxytocin
Holding hands also has the benefit of making you feel good! Physical touch with a partner like cuddling, hugging, and hand-holding triggers the release of oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. Holding hands can also help strengthen feelings of closeness and connection.
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