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Improved S3x and Four Odd Things That Can Make You Live Longer



live longer

We are all familiar with the knowledge that eating healthy, exercising and regular medical check-ups can help you live longer. There are however some other not-so-popular habits that in one way or the other help you live longer.  Here are five weird things that can increase one’s life span.

Spending time on a mountain

According to some studies, people who spend time on the mountain or live in areas with higher altitudes have the tendency to make you live longer.

The finding shows that this set of people are less likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke. They also have the tendency to maintain a healthy lifestyle compared to others.


Laughing helps to reduce stress levels which in turn reduce cortisol levels in the body. High levels of cortisol in the body can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, skin changes, high blood sugar and many more. All of these can probably be avoided if you just laugh more.

Eating at home

Another weird thing that can help increase lifespan is eating homemade meals. Compared to eating at restaurants, you can easily keep track of what you consume when you make your food yourself. This can help you have healthier meals and also makes you conscious of your health.

Adopting social life

It has been established that through research that people who have more besties, satisfying relationships and those who socialise more end up being happier, better adjusted, have better health and longer lives than people who do not.

Improved sex life

Some studies also say having lots of orgasms can help increase lifespan. Whether you are going solo or with a partner, sex has a way of increasing overall health and is another weird habit that makes you lives longer.

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