Pastor Sees Hope In Teenagers As Replacement Generation In The Church
By GWG Religion Editor

Pastor Femi Reis has predicted a glorious future for the church in Nigeria following the emergence of teenagers he has dubbed the ‘Replacement Generation.’
Pastor Reis who is a pastor with the Abuja-based Eternity Ministries spoke at the conclusion of the Teenage Week of the Hospital Chapel, National Hospital, Abuja.
Noting his observation of spiritual grace in the teenagers as evidence of hope that the glory of the church will not be extinguished, he said:
“When I look at the future of the Church and see these teenagers, I see hope (and this is because,) this weekend I found the replacement generation.”
He said his enthusiasm was against the background of his past concerns on who would replace the present generation in the church.
Going further in his homily, titled “Building Faith For The End Time Victory” the cleric urged Christians everywhere never to lose consciousness of the battle at hand.
“There is no spectator in this battle and you are either a conqueror or a victim in this battle,” Pastor Femi Reis said as he drove it home to the congregation that “if you are not intentionally fighting then you are a casualty.”
Further noting on why Christians must be conscious of the spiritual battle at hand, Pastor Femi Reis said that the only way to end the war is to win it.
Drawing from various biblical passages, Pastor Femi Reis urged Christians to build up their arsenal for battle by drawing inspiration from the Holy Spirit, as he quoted Jude 20 in which the author enjoined Christians to build up themselves in the Holy Ghost. reports that the occasion saw various displays by the teenagers including playlet, worship, prayers and an outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon several seekers who came out for the baptism.
Four of the teenagers also graduated into the Youth Church and the occasion was brought to an end with the sharing of the Holy Communion presided over by the Presiding Elder of the congregation, Pastor Godwin Idowu.
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