Five Important Things Every Couple Should Do Before Getting Married

Whether your wedding is months or years away, it’s important to take this time not only to prepare for a beautiful wedding but also to get ready for a lasting and happy marriage. Here are five things you must do before getting married.
Understand each other’s values
Long before making that commitment to spend the rest of your lives together, it’s important to communicate and discuss your individual values and beliefs, such as religion, family dynamics and rituals, and politics.
Take an engagement-moon trip.
Before getting married, traveling together gives you a chance to see how you each handle stressful situations, which is a valuable insight for your future life together. So if you haven’t move together yet, book a trip! It doesn’t need to be far away, lengthy, or expensive, either.
Talk about kids.
Like the money talk, the conversation about kids is an important one. Do you both want them? If so, how many? Share your vision before you exchange vows.
Couples go into marriages thinking it’s something they can work out later, or one thinks they can change the other person’s mind, but it rarely ends well. It’s important to agree on this one from the beginning.
Talk about money
You and your partner should agree on fundamental topics like finances—even though they’re not always fun or easy to discuss before you get married. Talk about how you’ll share/divide living expenses, how you plan to live, and whether you both expect to work until retirement.
Discuss the name game
Have a conversation about any name changes before tying the knot. “It’s easy to assume someone is going to take the traditional route, but these days, we’re seeing so many different paths taken, it’s best to visit the topic early.
You may decide to take your spouse’s last name, keep your own, combine the two, create a new last name, or choose something else entirely, consider the implications for both of your families and any future children that might come from your marriage.
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