Gaza Residents Suffer Worst Night Of Bombardments As Israel Prepares For Ground Invasion - Green White Green -

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Gaza Residents Suffer Worst Night Of Bombardments As Israel Prepares For Ground Invasion



Residents of the Gaza Strip were on Friday night suffering the worst night of bombardments in the hands of Israeli Defence Forces, IDF with speculations of the prospect of the ground invasion being very imminent.

Residents told CNN the airstrikes Friday night were the most intense they have experienced since the beginning of hostilities nearly three weeks ago.

Jawwal, the Palestinian telecom company that provides mobile service to the Gaza Strip released a statement Friday night, saying “the intense bombardment in the past hour has resulted in the destruction of all remaining international routes connecting Gaza with the outside world” leading to a “complete interruption of telecommunications services.”

A large series of explosions rocked Gaza City Friday night, according to CNN’s Nic Robertson who is reporting live near the Israel and Gaza border.

Robertson reported hearing outgoing tank fire as well as “unusual, intense and sustained” military activity for the past couple of hours.

“There have been huge rounds of outgoing tank fire from where we are,” he said reporting from Sderot. “Round after round of artillery fire going into Gaza as well. Multiple impacts reported in Gaza and Gaza City.”

Robertson said that about an hour ago, the CNN team saw a “huge wall of smoke literally blow in off of Gaza.” He reported that it smelled like the kind of cover smoke that could be used for military operations.

Israeli television has been showing live images of outgoing rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.

The IDF has not commented on the uptick in military activity or whether there has been a scaling up of their operations targeting Hamas as to the reason for the increased bombardments of Gaza.

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