Lady Prays For Male Child To Break Free From Generational Tragedy (Video) - Green White Green -


Lady Prays For Male Child To Break Free From Generational Tragedy (Video)



In a poignant TikTok video, user @tahtianasherdenn bravely recounted the tragic history of her family, which she described as a generational curse. According to her, her grandmother tragically passed away while giving birth to her mother, who also lost her life during childbirth.

In her emotional post, tahtianasherdenn expressed deep anguish and the weight of her family’s tragic past, revealing her fears and hopes for the future. She shared her profound pain, indicating a sense of losing her own conscience due to the burden of her family’s history.

With a heavy heart, she closed her message with a prayer, expressing her desperate wish for a different fate for her own child. She stated, “My grandmother died giving birth to my mother, who died giving birth to me. As I feel my conscience slipping away, I pray that my baby is a boy.”

Watch video below of the lady recounting her generational curse.

Read some netizens reactions below;

@tequilashot reacted: “Now you know how to stop the generational curse.”

@siomaries reacted: “It’s not a generational curse. It’s a combination of malpractice with black women giving birth and other issues. Have your children in peace.”

@Toni0120 reacted: “You can break this by not accepting it as a generational curse you shall give birth and be healthy in the name of Jesus. A just claim and believe it.

@Era said: “But what if your boy one day has a baby girl of his own, would that continue?”

@user652154249807 said: “You could choose to be the curse breaker. You could choose to live& not die.”

@Nene said: “Don’t worry, you won’t die you’ll be alive to watch your beautiful/handsome child grow. DON’T BE SCARED YOU ARE STRONG.”
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