6 Reasons Why Younger Men Like Older Women - Green White Green - gwg.ng


6 Reasons Why Younger Men Like Older Women



Men who have found affection only from older women associate security and love with older women, and hence feel an attraction toward them. Here are six reasons why younger men prefer older women.

They don’t need continuous pampering

Younger women (almost as a rule) need a lot of attention and all the paraphernalia that goes with it. Older women, on the other hand, are generally more self-assured. They understand the need for individual space.

Emotional stability

Older women are usually more sensitive and come from a place of emotional stability. Some of them could even be social or economic role models. Younger men can learn a lot from these women about themselves and about interpersonal relationships.

Very calculative

Instead of rushing into lifetime commitments, older women like living life at a slow pace. They take time to understand their partners and this easy pace of the relationship is your answer to why younger men like older women. But, guys who like older women may have ulterior motives.

They’re highly supportive

An older woman who has been through the ups and downs of life can offer a perspective that makes you look at the silver linings in dark clouds. This is just one of the many ways she can be a valuable support system.

They are content with life

Since older women are experienced and professionally well-established, they, typically, lead content and happy lives. Life experiences teach them not to sweat the small stuff. They believe in just going with the flow of life rather than giving their all to turn the tide.

They are in touch with reality

Women in their prime youth live in a fantasy world, which is a given at that age. Older women understand the gray areas of life much better. So they are more pragmatic in their approach toward relationships, which can be a huge draw card for a romantic interest.

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