5 Things You Shouldn’t Eat While Hung-Over - gwg.ng


5 Things You Shouldn’t Eat While Hung-Over



Hangovers are what some people who engage in alcohol experience. When you experience a hangover,  the kind of food you take determines how fast you recover.  Here are some of the foods to avoid when you experience a hangover.

 Caffeinated beverages

Coffee and any other beverage containing caffeine should also be avoided as it is not the best choice when you’re hungover. Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it can increase urine production and lead to dehydration—something you definitely want to avoid when your body is already trying to recover.

Spicy foods

Spicy foods are also a no-no while having a hangover as this can irritate an already sensitive stomach. Spices may contribute to indigestion and discomfort, making your hangover experience less enjoyable.

 Sugary treats

Sugary foods might provide a quick energy boost, but they can also lead to a blood sugar crash later on. This crash can leave you feeling even more fatigued and lethargic, prolonging your recovery time.


It is definitely a bad idea to go back to the culprit while hung-over. Consuming more alcohol while you’re already dealing with a hangover is not a solution. It can further dehydrate you and intensify your symptoms.

Heavy foods

It is best to avoid greasy foods such as bacon and egg for breakfast. This is because such foods can exacerbate nausea and upset stomach. These choices can contribute to feelings of discomfort rather than alleviating them.

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