Abuja Cleric Flays Christianity Of Claims Without Deeds
By GWG Religion Editor

Abuja-based cleric, Sunny Onoja has decried the mouthing of faith and claims by many Christians without the corresponding demonstration of the work of righteousness that comes from the life of Jesus.
Delivering the Sunday homily at the Hospital Chapel, National Hospital Abuja, Onoja lamented that many Christians have taken the experience of salvation as a maxim, mouthing faith and such without putting forth the life of obedience to the word of Christ as enjoined in the scriptures.
Speaking on the topic “Show Me Thy Faith Without Works” from the theme of the quarter, “Active Faith” Pastor Onoja who took his text from James 2:14 said the attitude of many in the Church today is to rest their Christianity on Claims.
“There is a tragedy in the church today. A lot of us in church all we do today is just profess faith, we just say that because we have been bapitsied, confirmed, we have been taken as a member of the church, we are not looking forward towards a life of righteousness,” the preacher lamented.
Quoting the NIV translation of James 2:14 “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?”
Onoja as such went on to chide the life of such claims and the entitlement of grace without corresponding deeds.
“You see them only on Sunday morning, in fact their language from Monday changes, but they are happy (claiming) I am a Christian because all they have is a claim, they just profess I have faith. That is not what Paul is telling us,” the man of God said in a rebuke to those who confuse the works of faith as espoused by James with the condemnation of the works of the law as were canvassed by the Pharisees.
“If a man does not live for Christ, he does not live righteously and godly in this present world, all he does is a Claim. His faith is only faith of speech, not in behaviour or in life, just in profession,” Onoja said.
The preacher then delved into the issue of works or righteousness and its deeds as against the works of the law as were condemned by Paul and Jesus the Christ.
Quoting several areas of scripture, Engr Onoja deposed that Paul in condemning the works as espoused by the Pharisees which was for them righteousness, was not speaking against the works of righteousness as canvassed by James.
He further went on to say that Christians must carry their faith beyond their profession into doing. “The issue is in doing as mere confession will not be enough,” the preacher said.
Drawing reference from the judgment scene as enumerated by Jesus the Christ in Mattew 25, Engr Onoja buttressed his claim that faith cannot stand alone, but must produce fruits.
He cited Abraham whose DOING he said was in the readiness to sacrifice his son in obedience to the word of God. That action, he said was the fruit of his obedience as he concluded with a question to his audience: Is your faith producing deeds?
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