Edo Should Not Elect A Hungry Governor Again -Group - Green White Green - gwg.ng


Edo Should Not Elect A Hungry Governor Again -Group



A socio-cultural group, Edo Women In Diaspora (EWID), says the state needs a governor who can tackle the multi-dimensional poverty currently confronting the citizens affirming that the state should not elect a hungry governor again.

Convener of the group, Mrs Roseline Odiye, said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday in Abuja.

Odiye, who identified the current major challenge in the state as multi-dimensional poverty, also decried the state of education, roads as well as access to capital and basic healthcare, among others, saying that they all needed urgent intervention.

According to her, a drive across the state shows that less than four per cent of the roads are motorable.

Odiye, therefore, advised indigenes and residents of the state to ensure that the upcoming governorship election was used to right all the wrongs.

“It is time for us to be wise. We can’t afford to make another mistake; once bitten, never to be bitten again.

“At this time, we need a God-sent person as governor; someone who is willing and ready to take up the mantle and work for the people.

“We need someone who will see the governorship position as a call to service and not an occupation.

“We need someone who will wipe out the multi-dimensional poverty in the state; someone who can attract foreign investors to the state and govern on and govern real.

“Edo is in dire need of a governor who believes that our dear state is one and unite the already fragmented people.

“We are tired of electing hungry people; we are tired of electing men with intellectual deficiency. We can’t afford to do this anymore,” the EWID leader said.

Odiye, who used the opportunity to canvass support for the immediate past Minister of State for Budget and National Planning, Mr Clem Agba, said that his antecedents and past records as a former minister and commissioner should be considered.

“We truly desire a man like Agba who, as a minister, attracted so many projects across the 18 council areas of the state.

“We believe that his TRUST agenda will open up rural and urban spaces together,” the EWID leader said. (NAN)

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