Poorly Written Job Application By Female Graduate Sparks Online Debate - Green White Green - gwg.ng


Poorly Written Job Application By Female Graduate Sparks Online Debate



In a revelation that has ignited a fervent discussion within Nigeria’s professional circles, a Nigerian entrepreneur, who goes by the moniker Dchessking, has chosen to shed light on a rather disheartening aspect of the job application process.

The entrepreneur took to social media to share an application letter he received from a female graduate vying for a sales position within his company.

The contents of the application, intended to secure a foothold in the competitive job market, were not only riddled with errors but also painted a stark picture of the applicant’s apparent lack of readiness for the professional world. This revelation has served as a catalyst for a broader conversation surrounding the quality of education in Nigeria and the glaring gaps in preparing graduates for the demands of employment.

Dchessking’s decision to make the application letter public stemmed from his profound astonishment at its poor quality. In a standard request aimed at gauging the candidate’s self-assessment and understanding of their value proposition, he had asked the applicant to include her salary expectations as part of the interview process. However, the response he received fell egregiously short of expectations, prompting him to cast a critical eye on the educational system that, in his view, has failed to equip its graduates with the fundamental communication skills necessary to navigate the job market.

The repercussions of Dchessking’s revelation reverberated across various online platforms, sparking an immediate and diverse array of reactions. Netizens from all corners of the internet swiftly joined the conversation, expressing a mixture of dismay and concern over the palpable decline in written communication standards among Nigerian graduates.

This incident serves as a sobering reminder of the pressing need to address the systemic challenges plaguing Nigeria’s education system, particularly in equipping graduates with the requisite skills and competencies demanded by the contemporary job market. As the discourse continues to unfold, it underscores the collective responsibility to foster an environment conducive to the holistic development of future generations of professionals.

See some reactions below;

@jerrynuelfx; “It is seriously appalling when we see these certificates and call them up for interviews with high hopes that we are about to snatch a rare gem to be part of our team, only for them to go through the basic interview process and leave us all in shock; like, did you school at all?”

@ESSIEN4f; “People obviously don’t understand tips of letter writing and the body of a letter $ how to end it , but I guess you should help him/her get the job help them grow.”

@fxpanther01; “I’m crying on her behalf.”

@Hugessuccess: “This is very sad tho. But people should be willing to self develop.”

@obinnaobiekwe18; “Due to the seeming culture shift in talking more as opposed to writing more these days, it appears a lot of upcoming Nigerians are losing it in writing.

“Lots of people now want to talk more and not write at all. We see it in WhatsApp groups all the time. “It is well sha.”

@PromiseKreusch; “She is doing it for the money not because she qualifies.

“Kindly get her a different role if possible so she can support her family. It’s sad but in anyway you can help her, please try.”

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