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Easter: Abuja Cleric Gives New Perspective On Resurrection

By GWG Religion Editor




Abuja-based cleric, Pastor Sam Dangana has said that the resurrection of Jesus cannot be inscribed as a historical phenomenon but rather should be seen as a contemporary experience for every Christian.

Dangana spoke at the Easter Service of the Hospital Chapel, National Hospital, Abuja.

Drawing from the resurrection of Lazarus, the preacher observed how Martha, the sister of the deceased lamented to Jesus to Jesus that her brother would not have died if He, Jesus had come earlier. Noting how Jesus told her that the brother will rise again and her response that she knew that he (Lazarus) would rise again on the last day, Pastor Dangana said that Martha appeared to be postponing the resurrection of her brother.

“Martha appeared to be postponing the resurrection that was about to happen,” Pastor Dangana said.

Affirming that the resurrection of Jesus which was being celebrated the world over at Easter must not be seen as a historical event, the preacher said that resurrection is the reality for everyone that encounters with Jesus.

The Men’s Choir

“We must not be postponing the resurrection. Jesus is actually the resurrection. The resurrection is a person and that is Jesus and everyone that has Jesus has the resurrection,” Pastor Dangana said.

Affirming that the resurrection is for everyone who believes in Jesus, The Christ, he said:

“If you believe in Jesus even the dead condition (concerning you) will be raised again. As far as Jesus is concerned it has been raised it just requires you to key into it,” he said as he enjoined everyone to bring any dead issue around their lives to the quickening power of Jesus.

Noting with irony, Dangana said that many had given in to the false situation that their situations cannot be resurrected.

“You have agreed that some matters in your life are dead and you have agreed with it but today Jesus can do something about it.” reports that the service was interspersed with special offerings from the Children Choir, Women Choir and the Men choir.

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