Cell Phones Blamed After Woman Gifted Husband With Four Kids Conceived From Adultery
The conversation stemmed from a heartbreaking story shared by a man who recently discovered, after 16 years of marriage, that none of the four children he had raised were biologically his. His wife’s infidelity, which was easily planned through cell phone conversations with her ex-boyfriend, shattered his world.

A troubling discussion On X (formerly Twitter), has emerged regarding the role of cell phones, specifically GSM, in facilitating adultery in today’s technologically advanced world.
The conversation stemmed from a heartbreaking story shared by a man who recently discovered, after 16 years of marriage, that none of the four children he had raised were biologically his. His wife’s infidelity, which was easily planned through cell phone conversations with her ex-boyfriend, shattered his world.
Others were moved by this revelation to share their own tales of betrayal and adultery caused by cell phones, pointing out how quickly and discreetly the technology could set up secret meetings between married people and others. Many seemed to be waiting for a chance to talk about this common problem on X.
Among the voices in the discussion, @floraD_explorer commented, “I believe Cheating became more easy and serious since cell phone came on board. People jus know where and when to meet to cheat. those olden days, i doubt if it was like this.”
The impact of cell phones on infidelity extended beyond the initial story, with one case involving a pastor. The ease with which secrets were exchanged, facilitated by fast communication via cell phone, was alarming. The woman in question could swiftly arrange encounters with multiple men, including her ex-boyfriend, often traveling to meet them discreetly.
However, amidst the blame placed on cell phones, some argued that technology has also been instrumental in catching those involved in adultery and other adulterous behavior.
@immaeatgood noted, “this is backwards for sure. it is a lot easier to catch a person cheating or acting out now with technology than the past.” @RealCarson_ echoed this sentiment, stating, “You are right I have always said this, phone have done many harm as well as good.”
Another intriguing aspect emerged when it was revealed that the secrets in the initial story were leaked through the younger sister’s cell phone, adding a new layer to the debate.
In the midst of varying opinions, it’s evident that the role of cell phones in adultery sparks heated arguments. Here are some more reactions this story has ignited:
@floraD_explorer: I believe Cheating became more easy and serious since cell phone came on board. People jus know where and when to meet to cheat.
those olden days, i doubt if it was like this
@immaeatgood: this is backwards for sure. it is a lot easier to catch a person cheating or acting out now with technology than the past. there will be times in the past where people would just walk out and move ten miles away just to start a new family.
@floraD_explorer: really?
U think the Internet and social media is a life saver?
@ManLikeJayZ: So we should blame it on technology?
@kgomojames: My aunt did the same thing to his husband in the old days. Cheating will not stop as long weak men exists.
@akawiseman09: Seems it happen but in coded way, even if the husband later knows some accept it without telling no one. But nowadays pikin ehn Social media straight.
@ItsJustBeekay: It has been happening easily ever since
The presence of social media just makes the news spread faster and to wider lengths
In fact back then evidence dey hard to get because no chats to go thru, location to track and all that came with tech, u have to catch red handed
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