Benny Hinn Opens Up On His ‘Biggest Regrets’ In Ministry

Televangelist, Benny Hinn, has said his two “biggest regrets” in his years of ministry include promoting prophecies he now admits “were not accurate or from the Lord” and pushing “prosperity theology.”
“The two things I regret most in ministry: I was not too wise a number of times with prophecy,” the 71-year-old charismatic preacher told Stephen Strang, host of The Strang Report, in an interview.
“I had guests come to the crusades that I think brought harm to not only people’s lives but also to my reputation because their prophecies were not really prophecy. They went outside the borders of redemption.”
“And then there were times when I thought God had shown me something that He wasn’t showing me. And I spoke it out,” Hinn said. “But in 1 Corinthians 13, we clearly see that we all prophesy in part. That means we don’t see the full picture. And sadly — and I wish I could go back and fix it — but sadly, there were some prophecies I gave that were not accurate or from the Lord.”
Hinn said his other greatest regret in ministry is his teachings on prosperity theology. Since the 1980s, the Israeli-born American-Canadian has been one of the most notorious purveyors of the prosperity gospel, which teaches that God rewards active faith and faithful payments of tithes and offerings with health and wealth.
“And that’s been a very difficult one for me,” he said. “When I started in ministry, it was simple. And then the ministry grew. … I think that’s when my troubles began. I don’t blame anyone, but sadly you get kind of in a place [where] it becomes difficult. You don’t know what to do and how to get out of it.”
“So I came to the conclusion in 2019 that I don’t want to be part of the gimmickry of it, and I still stand by that. But sadly, I let pressure get to me, and because of that pressure, I said things and did things that I should not have done,” Hinn said. “And for that, really, I am sorry, and I ask the dear people watching us to really forgive me for that. And I’m striving with all my heart to be as biblical as possible with that.”
“Right now, my focus is the Lord and only the Lord,” Hinn said. “And if, of course, there will be the time when I may have to raise funds for our ministry, I will do it as biblically as I know how — and balanced.”
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